Entry into Tracing Audubon Gallery

University Galleries, Illinois State University, 2021


Tracing Audubon, Installation
Roseate Spoonbill, calls

150” high x 21.5 feet

Tracing Audubon, Mangroves, Great Egrets, Little Blue Herons

pigment print
35” x 52”

Tracing Audubon, Anhinga

Pigment Print


43” x 57”

John James Audubon's, Roseate Spoonbill
Roseate Spoonbill, calls

image for wallpaper installation

Tracing Audubon, Mangroves, Great Egrets, Wood-storks, White Ibis

Pigment Print 
35” x 52”

Tracing Audubon, Installation
Flamingo, calls totem

80” x 12”

John James Audubon's Flamingo
The Canary in the Lake, Installation View

The Conference of the Lakes — Global Lake portraits, revealing how each is changing due to climate change

The Canary in the Lake, Installation View

The Conference of the Lakes — Global Lake portraits, revealing how each is changing due to climate change

The Canary in the Lake, Installation View

The Conference of the Lakes — Global Lake portraits, revealing how each is changing due to climate change

Canary in the Lake Installation
Lakes on Seven Continents

(from left to right)

Europe, Antartica, Russia, South America, North America, Australia, Africa

The Canary in the Lake, Installation View

The Conference of the Lakes, after Farid Attar

Global Lake portraits, revealing how each is changing due to climate change

Lake Tovel, Italy, magenta algal bloom loss
The Canary in the Lake, Installation View

The Conference of the Lakes — Global Lake portraits, revealing how each is changing due to climate change

Lakes Mendota, Menona, and Wingra, WI, USA, rising salinity
Lake Milford, KS, USA, toxic algal blooms
Lake Hillier, Australia, genome of S. ruber, pink lake
Lake Tahoe, decreasing clarity

60” x 120”

photographic print on semi transparent fabric

The Canary in the Lake, Installation View

The Conference of the Lakes — Global Lake portraits, revealing how each is changing due to climate change

Herbarium Photographs, seen through two lake portraits
Herbarium Installation
Herbarium, Macrophytes, water plants

Made at The Flathead Lake Biological Station, Bear Dance, Montana

Artist Residency, 6 weeks, 2020

Herbarium, details
Herbarium Photographs, seen through two lake portraits
Lake Otsego, NY, warming
Lake Otsego, NY, USA, warming, invasive species
Lake Otsego, warming, bathymetry and vintage postcards
Lake Toval, Italy Magenta Algal bloom loss & Palette Lake, WI, USA, lake levels rising, loon habitat loss
The Canary in the Lake, Installation View

The Conference of the Lakes — Global Lake portraits, revealing how each is changing due to climate change

Lake Baikal, Russia, warming
Lake Vanda, Antartica, growing lake, ice melt
Lake Zigadenus, Canada, decreasing turbidity “Loosing Blue”
Lake Tovel, Italy, warming
Lake Superior, USA, warming, ice loss

Echo sounder imagery of sounds at varying depths and bathymetry

Lake Abiyata, Ethiopia
Lake Abiyata, Ethiopia, shrinking lake, habitat loss
Artist Residency - OPEN AIR MT, at The Flathead Lake Biological Station

My studio away from home, on the shores of Flathead Lake, Bear Dance, MT

Artist Residency, Flathead Lake Biological Station, Montana, 2020
Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, warming, fish loss
Lake Escanaba, WI, USA, phenological whiplash
Portraits of ten lakes
El Morado Pro Glacial Lake, Chile, new lake before green
Lake Thingvallavatn, Iceland, ice loss, finger rafting

Vintage Skating photos - without regular ice cover skating as a cultural ritual changes

Northern WI Lakes, mercury in the food change rises as water rises
The Loch & Sky Pond, Colorado USA , atmospheric nitrogen deposition
Lake Zigadenus, slumped glass

Made in collaboration with Illinois State University glass studio with John Miller

Daphnia, Choice & Pink Daphnia, installation view

Two videos made while at The Flathead Biological Station imaging lake zooplankton ~ Daphnia

Daphnia, Choice & Pink Daphnia

Two videos made while at The Flathead Biological Station imaging lake zooplankton ~ Daphnia

Twelve Lake Portraits

Lake stories, and what the water will tell…

Lake Portraits test strip hanging in the studio
Artist Residency, Studios at Key West, 2020

Working of Tracing Audubon, Florida Keys, Dry Tortugas, Everglades, & Big Cypress

Flight to Dry Tortugas

Working of Tracing Audubon, Dry Tortugas,

Dry Tortugas
Dry Tortugas

Working on sound recordings of bird populations

Dry Tortugas, field recordings

Working on sound recordings of bird populations

Flight to Dry Tortugas

Nesting bird populations, reefs and scarred sea floor

Flight to Dry Tortugas

Nesting bird populations, reefs and scarred sea floor

Historic map of the Florida Bay, keys, & Dry Tortugas
show thumbnails